PANAF 6, is designed to help plants protect themselves from harmful fungi and pests by enhancing root resistance. It works by giving plants the ability to gain the natural materials Hormones and Amino Acids they need to boost their own defenses and directly fight off fungal infections.
PANAF 6, also helps plants repair damage caused by fungal infections. Additionally, it helps reduce the need for toxic pesticides, offering a simpler and safer option when it comes to pest management.
PANAf 6, uses our Natural Proprietary Liposomal Technology that allows the formula to quickly penetrate plant cells and reach the fungus. Its lipid-based composition effectively passes through the tough, water-resistant barriers of fungi, and its unique multi-target approach reduces the chances of fungi developing resistance to the treatment. This technology also prevents fungi from blocking the active ingredients, helping to eliminate any chance of drug resistance.
Made from natural plant-based ingredients, PANAF 6 is organic, non-toxic, and safe for both people and the environment. The product is versatile and can be used both as a preventative measure and as a spray on leaves without causing any damage.
The formula works as a broad-spectrum anti-fungal, effectively acting as an anti-fungal, fungicide, and fungistat. Additionally, it targets harmful fungi while causing minimal to no harm to beneficial soil microbes.
Our initial tests of the formula on a variety of fungi were highly encouraging and we share these results below. However, it stands to reason that extensive in vitro studies will now be necessary to confirm the behaviour of the above formula on as wide a scope of fungal families as possible.
EXPERIMENT 1. As we are not equipped to identify the various fungal families, it is not possible to name the particular strain used in the video below.
EXPERIMENT 2. The objective of this experiment was to confirm the penetrating potential of the formula to the cell wall of a fungus. In the photos below the presence of the Lipids are clearly noticeable inside the Cell wall after 1 hour. After 24 hours this wall was severely damaged and disrupted.
EXPERIMENT 3. The objective of this experiment was to observe whether severe damage to the cell wall of a fungus was possible. The photo below shows a fungus where after 24 hours the cell wall has been completely eradicated and is now only left with a plasma membrane. This photo also shows large numbers of Lipids in what remains of the inside of the fungus.
"It's disheartening to learn that even certified seeds are not immune to fungal infections, as evidenced by the slide on the right. These pesky fungi wreak havoc on the delicate roots of new seedlings, leading to stunted growth and poor yields. Sadly, farmers are grappling with germination rates as low as 50%."
PANAF 6 can be utilised through conventional ground equipment, aerial application, or properly equipped irrigation systems.
For soil application, the recommended dosage is 1L per hectare. Similarly, for leaf application, the recommended dosage is 1L per hectare. It has been proven that foliar (leaf) application is the most effective method of treatment.
Use 200 part water to 1 part PANAF 6 - 1:200
Put 200 parts water in a tank.
Add 1 part PANAF 6 to water in tank.
Mix the water with the PANAF 6.
A special blend of Essential oils, Chitosan, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin E